
  Position:Home >Products >Glycohemoglobin Analyzer >Automated HbA1c Analyzer HLC-723 G11

Automated HbA1c Analyzer HLC-723 G11

  • Methodology: Gold standard cation Exchange HPLC 

  • Throughput: Test results ≤ 30 seconds/test (STD) , First result in 60 seconds (STD)

  • Wavelength: Dual-wavelength, Primary 415 nm and secondary 500 nm

  • Sample rack: Available with a 90 sample loader or 290 sample loader (optional)

  • Emergency: 1 STAT position

  • Maintenance:         

  • Reagent management

  • Fully automated maintenance

  • Auto timing switch on/off 

  • Auto alarm and error display

  • NGSP and IFCC certified


HLC-723 G11


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